Battle Strikers Wiki

Shredder is a Battle Striker that is part of the Metal XS collection. He is rated as having 2/6, 5/6 and 6/6 in Attack, Defense and Control.

Striker Stats:


Shredder - Classified as a DEF weapon. Being close to perfectly round, it is ideal for high stamina builds since there is near 0 air resistance and gives off near 0 recoil when struck or striking opponent tops or stadium walls. Note; though the Reload version is red, a Blue alternate colour scheme exists, obtained by purchasing a special Tournament Set.


Control - Covered in small ridges for constant but small recoil and as the thickest of Metal XS' 3 main Boosters, it is ideal for attack-defense hybrid builds. There are also two parts that stick out on each side, offer a small jump back up in case balance is lost.


Super Control - The tallest, fit with a narrow flat circle. With height comes danger of being struck underneath the Weapon when imbalanced, especially from opponent tops fitted with Super Balance which makes them so short that they can always hit underneath. It also means that opponent tops hitting below makes your top, as a result, travel up. Height, on the positive side, leads to more stamina and the flaws mentioned are negligible. Being a narrow flat circle means that it won't go crazy but is nonetheless quite mobile when given instruction, also being so narrow that the stamina is phenomenal.


There is definitely a case as to why, even with stock parts, that this Striker collected so many victories. Control, Defense and Stamina were all above and beyond!

Recommended and Notable Combinations:

Short Shredder - Weapon: Shredder, Booster: Control, Tip: Control. Designed to mimic the Stock combo, but shorter, negating the strengths and weaknesses associated with with Super Control's extreme height.

Nuclear-Core Shredder - Weapon: Shredder, Booster: Balance, Tip: Super Stamina. Uses the Balance Booster which has near 0 air resistance due to being smooth and rounded for Stamina and Defense, as well as Super Stamina Tip to bring out its maximum potential for stamina. Compared to stock, there is less Control and Defense (mainly due to the tip), so magnetic input is best spent attempting to re-establish Balance.

Unstoppable Shredder - Weapon: Shredder, Booster: Balance, Tip: Metal Ball. Uses the Balance Booster which has near 0 air resistance due to being smooth and rounded for Stamina and Defense, as well as Metal Ball Tip to also increase Stamina and Defense. Being rounded, it manages to keep a decent grip to the stadium since the contact stays the same at all angles, thanks to being a ball, whilst having low friction in reality due to metal being lubricated. The Striker will also respond better to magnetic input due to it, too, being magnetic. Compared to stock, there is more Y Defense, X-Z Defense, Stamina and Control. (If more Defense is desired over Stamina and Control, a similar build exists called Immovable Shredder which uses a Balance Tip instead. It has more friction due to being plastic, moving less when struck and controlled. However, it has less weight compared to using Metal Ball, so though resistant to being pushed around X-Z, it has less Y Defense, easier to knock out.)

Jet Shredder - Weapon: Shredder, Booster: Stamina, Tip: Attack. A joke combo designed to make Shredder terrible. Remaining tall and losing most Control and Stamina due to the Attack Tip, it almost certainly will be attacked under the weapon, and thanks to the use of the Stamina Booster, when that does happen, it'll go flying due to massive Recoil and low weight, since the Attack Tip is hollow.


